



造句 與例句 手機版 · Two of them will exhaust his income . · His utter ridiculousness exhausted me . · My spirits exhausted i slept very soundly .

Exhausted造句在exhausted 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典的討論與評價

exhausted 造句 / 例句 ; 1. She felt limp and exhausted. 她感到浑身无力,累极了。 ; 2. Even a short walk exhausted her. 即使走一段短路,她也疲惫不堪。 ; 3. I'm ...


It's exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day. After an exhausting shift at the hospital, she just wanted to get home to bed. We ...


    Exhausted造句在用exhausted造句 - 乐学英语的討論與評價

    用exhausted造句,exhausted例句 · Two of them will exhaust his income . · His utter ridiculousness exhausted me . · My spirits exhausted i slept very ...

    Exhausted造句在用exhausted造句子三年级 - 新华字典的討論與評價

    hao86造句为您提供exhausted造句,用exhausted造句,exhausted造句大全等例句,希望对您有所帮助! ... 原级:exhaust第三人称单数:exhausts现在分词:exhausting.

    Exhausted造句在exhausted from造句 - 搜狗搜索的討論與評價

    本页主要提供exhausted造句,用exhausted造句大全的相关信息。 m.kejudati.com2020-04-25. The judge was exhausted from the nervous strain. - 英语例句- Tatoeba.

    Exhausted造句在exhausting - 用法_例句 - 海词词典的討論與評價

    The purpose of a warm-up is to prepare for muscular activity, and is not an exhausting activity to bring on fatigue. 熱身的目的在於為肌肉的運動做好準備, ...

    Exhausted造句在exhausting (【形容詞】使人筋疲力竭的)意思、用法及發音的討論與評價

    "exhausting" 例句. I can't believe I finished the marathon. It was so exhausting! 我不敢相信我完成了這場馬拉松,這超級累人的!

    Exhausted造句在exhausted造句 - 百度一下的討論與評價

    exhausted是什么意思- exhausted在线翻译- 英语- 读音- 用法... Fuel supplies are nearly exhausted. 燃料几乎要耗尽了。 ... exhausted造句简单 · exhausted 意思.


    I have been on the run all day and i am exhausted . 我整天忙個不停,疲于奔命。 It's difficult to see exhausting in a sentence. 用exhausting造句挺難的; She would ...

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